Questions Of The First Week

What is nature and what do we mean by that word? Are we seperating ourselfs from the other if we define nature as non human? Do we need to include ourselfs in the term nature?

Is non human a good term to use? Or does it have negetive connotations? If inhuman is barbaric and cruel.

How can I BioHack in a ecocentric way? Hacking a organism seems quite atropocentric.

Do other organisms GMO? Do other organisms biohack?

What is interaction? How can I design a interaction between humans and non humans? Can I make existing interactions visible?

How can I use other senses than sight and hearing in my installations? How to design to smell, touch and taste?

How can I hack my microscope?

How can I improve my microbiome portraits?

Written on March 6, 2022